Wednesday, January 13, 2010

an introduction...

"Have you ever seen______?"

"I loved the Mom in that."

"I posted this new Nanci video on Facebook..."

I have often thought that if I ever were to write an autobiography, I would use one of the above as my title. These three simple phrases pretty much sum up my favorite topics of conversation: film, mature women in film and Nanci Griffith. I consider myself a feminist and a champion of female achievements. Couple that with my love of film, music, theater and acting, and you have my interests in a nutshell. Anyone who knows me can attest to my perhaps annoying way of somehow bringing film or Nanci into any conversation.

My genuine admiration of any form of media and women's roles in them, led me to this blog. I just must have a venue for my thoughts and opinions on these topics...I must:) I've tried this in the past and I'm afraid I was a total failure, giving up after just one entry. But I'm going to try and be disciplined about this one...all the blogs I read look like so much fun!

So, here goes...if anyone is out there, wish me luck!

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