Sunday, March 21, 2010

scene project take 12...

The Yearling (1946) - Jane Wyman

This one was a real struggle in choosing only one scene. Jane Wyman is picture perfect in the role of Ory (Ma) Baxter and any scene she's in deserves a scene project post. But I decided on this one...the final scene in the film. The film revolves around the Baxter family who are struggling on their farm. The family consists of Pa (Gregory Peck), Ma (Jane) and young Jody (Claude Jarman, Jr.). Pa and Ma have had 3 other children die at very young ages and it has had a deep affect on Ma in particular. She has decided to shut herself off emotionally so that she won't feel the pain again - unfortunately it causes her to be cold and unloving toward young Jody. Much goes on the movie, but in this scene Jody has returned home after running away and I am highlighting Ma's reaction.

In the context of the movie, this is a pretty intense moment because Ma has shown very little emotion or love toward her son prior to this scene. In fact, she's so overcome by her joy that her cries of happiness are almost choking her because she's kept them inside for so long. There is a devastating line when she says, "I thought I'd lost them all!" But then when she focuses on Jody's return she decides to go and see him. Her reunion with Jody is wonderful because Wyman plays it so expertly. She is a bit cautious in the beginning, just gently stroking his hair as you see in the third shot. But then she throws all caution to the wind and takes Jody in her arms for an emotional climax. And I had to include that shot of Gregory Peck because his reaction to the moment was absolutely identical to my own (I love when that happens:)).

Like I said, Wyman is fantastic in this role - she really seems to understand Ma's travails and has a deep, emotional connection with her throughout the whole film. Though Jody is the center of the story, it's really Ma who goes through the most dramatic change and has the most complex and interesting character arc. Wyman was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress in what was essentially her first foray into drama. She had done largely comedies and musicals in the past - this movie, along with The Lost Weekend, really shifted her career in another direction.

For more info on my thoughts on Wyman's bravura turn please read this article:


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