Sunday, August 15, 2010

scene project take 18...

Repo: The Genetic Opera (2008) - Sarah Brightman

Repo: The Genetic Opera is a goth/rock/musical - kind of a cross between Rocky Horror Picture Show and Sweeney Todd. It is a unique film in that it's almost entirely sung (hence Opera in the title) and the cast is a very eclectic mix of people - Paul Sorvino, Anthony Head (the Buffy guy), Alexa Vega (the Spy Kids girl), Paris Hilton, Joan Jett in a very small cameo and the subject of this post, Sarah Brightman. This movie marks Ms. Brightman's film debut and one must admire her for her offbeat selection. Though I was not overly impressed with the film (but it is entertaining) Ms. Brightman, as the opera singer Blind Mag was the clear standout in the cast. First of all, she's the most accomplished singer in the bunch and is given the opportunity to go beyond her more classical image. Also, her costume and make-up are to die for and she seems right at home in the role. Blind Mag is a tragic figure who has basically sold her soul in order to see again - and she has been trapped in a dystopian world with no freedom. Her final contribution is to Shiloh (Vega), the daughter of her late best friend. She begs Shiloh to free herself from her own imprisonment and have the life that Blind Mag was unable to have. I was very impressed with Brightman's ability to convey the sadness and resignation that Blind Mag was feeling in her few scenes.

Above are captures of various scenes in the movie. The first is a great shot of Sarah in full-on goth mermaid mode; the second and third are from her scene with Shiloh; and the final 2 shots are of her final opera performance before her self-liberation that unfortunately does not end in her favor.

I recommend seeing the movie - the production design and costumes are very impressive and I will admit that Paris Hilton does a pretty good job and participates in one of the best musical numbers of the movie. Not my favorite film ever, but it's something different which I'm always up for.

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